J&W Marine Update:
New 2016 Eastern Boats -
New Kencrafts

Center Consoles, Lobsterfishers, Islanders, Tournaments
Yes we sell Parts
Suzuki Marine, Yamaha Parts, plugs, OEM Lubricants, pumps, Accessories

J&W Marine, Inc.
56 Bridge Street
Salem, MA 01970 

978.744.7717 Office
800.356.4152 Toll-Free
978.744.2330 Fax

Business Hours: 

Monday-Friday 9am to 5 pm

Saturday 9am-2pm


New and Used Parts for Sale:

J&W Marine has a large selection of new and used SUZUKI MARINE and Yamaha
PARTS In Stock at our Salem, MA location.

 • All the original Manufacturers Lubricants you need

 • Suzuki Power Trim Units ***** We have V6 4 stroke and 2 Stroke complete assembly,
    Call for a price!!

 • Yamaha Instruments ******** Yamaha Tachometers Volt meters, Trim gauges.
    All gauges are now 50% off Retail Price!



• Plugs
• Gauges
• Sensors
• Fuel Lines
• many marine supplies, call today!